Like the child who has been bullied and shamed, mocked and shunned
the Thirteen has been waiting quietly in the shadows
O Divine Temptress, beautiful fulfiller of promises
Creatrix of the Highest Order
Today on this Day of Venus, the Thirteenth of November 2020
We retore you to your rightful place
as Divine Feminine, Goddess of Potential.
From Dark to Light
Emerge from your sacred cave today
For we welcome you with excitement, celebration and Love.
Please forgive us for misusing you in the worst possible ways
You are beautiful beyond what we could possibly have imagined.
Please invite us into your sumptuous caves of deep nurturing and restoration,
and teach us how to work with your Divine Creative force, for the Highest Good of All.
We respect and revere your immense power as architect of intricate structures of reality
and we vow today, this Thirteenth day, to use you only
in accordance with the Highest Laws of Creation.
We will teach our children and our grandchildren how to honour you and respect you
as the Divine Goddess of Potential in our Earth plane that you truly are
We love you and we thank you.
(Received on 13/11/20)